Modelling Agencies

Venus Modeling Agencies

Venus Modeling Agencies is one of the leading modeling agencies in the U.S. We have some of the most talented, professional and in tuned agents that work hard to help achieve your goals. If your looking for opportunities to follow your dream and getting started in the modeling industry look no more.
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The Modeling Industry

The Modeling Industry


Monday, February 17, 2014

Venus Modeling Agencies | Teen Survey

Venus Modeling Agencies discovers that a survey of 13 to 18 year olds conducted by TRU, a firm that studies trends among young people, last year showed that 28 percent of teens said that they know a young person who has threatened to kill someone with a gun; 12 percent said that at least one student from their school has been killed by gun violence in the past year. According to mental health professionals, 77 percent of youth who witness a school shooting and 35 percent of youth exposed to community violence are likely to develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


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