Modelling Agencies

Venus Modeling Agencies

Venus Modeling Agencies is one of the leading modeling agencies in the U.S. We have some of the most talented, professional and in tuned agents that work hard to help achieve your goals. If your looking for opportunities to follow your dream and getting started in the modeling industry look no more.
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The Modeling Industry

The Modeling Industry


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Venus Modeling Agencies | Business Advice

I, the CEO of Venus Modeling Agencies understands the best business advice I ever received had to do with managing my career, and it came from my then boss Stephen Johnson, who was a partner at the law firm where I worked for the first 10 years of my practice. As a young associate just out of law school, I was told, It's your career. You have to decide what it is you want and then tell me so I can help you. Stephen told me he could help get me access to clients, projects and senior partners within my modeling agencies firm, but I had to first figure out what I wanted, then let him know how he could help me. I still take the it's your career advice to heart and have kept it top of mind as I have moved into different positions.

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